Duke User Guide

Duke is your customized helper chatbot that is always available for you to help you managing your tasks, deadlines, and events. You can add, mark, and delete the tasks by typing it in the GUI.

Table of Contents


  • Duke runs in Java 11 or later.
  • The .jar file of Duke can be found here


Interactive GUI

Duke has a GUI to provide the users more personal feeling toward Duke. You can use Duke similar to your daily routine, which is chatting with your friends! The difference is your friends may be lazy to talk to you, but Duke always responds to you immediately :D. You will never be lonely afterwards, how cool is that?

Your regular events and deadlines

Duke helps you to manage your tasks, that are categorized into three types:

  • Todo
  • Deadline
  • Event

You can add, delete, and mark the done tasks in your list.

Reminds your upcoming events and deadlines

Whenever you start Duke, you will be given a warm-welcome message, and your nearest events and deadlines, so that you are keep reminded.

Archive your tasks

Duke can archive your tasks and retrieve them back upon your command.

Take random notes

Duke provides a service for you to put miscellaneous notes, such as the size of your girlfriend’s clothes, the movies that your mother like, etc. Duke is perfect for you who have a goldfish memory :p.

Close your Duke without clicking

Duke can bid farewell to you, simply by typing bye in your text box. As simple as that.


List tasks

List all the tasks that Duke has memorized.

Example of usage: list
It will show all the tasks in the list.

Adds a task

Adds a new task to your list so Duke can memorize it for you. Since Duke classifies a task into three types, you can have the following format:

  • todo [description]
    Adds your to-do task to your list.
  • deadline [description] /by [due-date]
    Adds your deadline that dues on the due-date to the list. Your due-date must be in dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm format.
  • event [description] /at [event-date]
    Adds your event that happens on the event-date to the list. Your event-date must be in dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm format.

Example of usage:

  • todo swimming in money
    Adds a new todo task with description swimming in money. Duke will chat you back to inform whether it is added successfully or there exists a format error.
  • event valentine date with my girlfriend :* /at 14-02-2020 22:00
    Adds a new event task with description event valentine date with my girlfriend :* at 14-02-2020 22:00. Duke will chat you back to inform whether it is added successfully or there exists a format error, such as the event date format.
  • deadline CS2103 Duke Project /by 14-02-2020 23:59
    Adds a new deadline task with description CS2103 Duke Project which due at 14-02-2020 23:59. Duke will chat you back to inform whether it is added successfully or there exists a format error, such as the due date format.

Deletes a task

Removes a task from your list, according to its number inside the list.
delete [task-index]

Example of usage: delete 1 Removes the first task that appears in your task list. Duke will chat you back to inform whether it is deleted successfully or there exists an error, such as the number exceeds the number of tasks in the list.

Marks a task as done

Marks a task in a list, according to its number inside the list.
done [task-index]

Example of usage: done 1
Marks the first task as done. Duke will chat you back to inform whether it is deleted successfully or there exists an error, such as the number exceeds the number of tasks in the list.

Finds tasks

Lists all the task with certain keyword.
find [keyword]

Example of usage: find CS2103
Displays all the tasks that contains CS2103 in their description.


Duke can put your tasks into an archive. The archived tasks can be deleted, or added back to the list. The commands regarding to archives are listed below:

  • archive-list
    Displays all the archived tasks.
  • archive-add [task-index]
    Moves the task of a given index in the list to the archive.
  • archive-delete [archived-task-index]
    Deletes the task permanently from the archive.
  • unarchive [archived-task-index]
    Unarchives the task from the archive.

Example of usage:

  • archive-list
    Duke will list all the archived tasks.
  • archive-add 1
    Duke will move the first task in the current list to the archive.
  • archive-delete 1
    Duke will delete the first task in the archived task list from the archive.
  • unarchive 1
    Duke will unarchive the first task in the archived list.


Duke can memorize random notes from the user. The commands regarding to notes are listed below:

  • notes-list
    Displays all the notes that Duke has memorized.
  • notes-add [description]
    Adds a note with the description.
  • notes-delete [notes-index]
    Deletes the note with a certain index from the note list.

Example of usage:

  • notes-list
    Duke will list all the notes that it has memorized.
  • notes-add my girlfriend's birthday is on 5th of November
    Duke will add a note with details my girlfriend's birthday is on 5th of November.
  • notes-delete 1
    Duke will delete the first note in the notes list.